CONSEVATIVE Group Amendment



That changes are made as shown with the strikethrough of text in 2.2 and the additional text and new recommendations 2.3 – 2.6 as shown in bold italics below.


That the committee:


2.1      Notes how officers have negotiated the agreements that appear in the part 2 report in accordance with the instructions from this committee, to work within the framework set by the 13th October Policy & Resources Committee and with the objective of getting best value for the council taxpayers, addressing low pay, taking into account legal and financial implications;

2.2      Notes that any resulting financial commitments as set out in the part 2 report would need to be factored into the sequence of reports leading up to and including Budget Council and will be considered by the cross-party Budget Review Group as part of the process asks for a full report of the financial implications outlining the service reductions and tax and fee increases necessary to pay for this decision be presented to December 2021 P&R including those that will have to be taken in the city’s schools;

2.3      Notes the decision of the Chair not to accept the Conservative Amendment at the 13th October meeting calling for the immediate intervention of private companies;

2.4      In considering the significant financial implications of this decision, instructs officers to use and expand private company collections whilst renegotiating the current proposed deal with the GMB to ensure best value for money for the council taxpayer;

2.5      Instructs officers to present back to December 2021 P&R plans to put out to tender the city clean waste collection service and likely savings that will be forthcoming as a result; and 

2.6      Instructs officers that no payments or smoothing should be made to city clean staff to make up for what they have lost whilst on industrial action or to pay for the clean-up of the mess they created. 


Proposed by: Cllr Miller                                         Seconded by: Cllr Nemeth



Recommendations to read if carried:

That the committee:


2.1      Notes how officers have negotiated the agreements that appear in the part 2 report in accordance with the instructions from this committee, to work within the framework set by the 13th October Policy & Resources Committee and with the objective of getting best value for the council taxpayers, addressing low pay, taking into account legal and financial implications;

2.2      Notes that any resulting financial commitments as set out in the part 2 report would need to be factored into the sequence of reports leading up to and including Budget Council and asks for a full report of the financial implications outlining the service reductions and tax and fee increases necessary to pay for this decision be presented to December 2021 P&R including those that will have to be taken in the city’s schools;

2.3      Notes the decision of the Chair not to accept the Conservative Amendment at the 13th October meeting calling for the immediate intervention of private companies;

2.4      In considering the significant financial implications of this decision, instructs officers to use and expand private company collections whilst renegotiating the current proposed deal with the GMB to ensure best value for money for the council taxpayer;

2.5      Instructs officers to present back to December 2021 P&R plans to put out to tender the city clean waste collection service and likely savings that will be forthcoming as a result; and 

2.6      Instructs officers that no payments or smoothing should be made to city clean staff to make up for what they have lost whilst on industrial action or to pay for the clean-up of the mess they created.